Sunlight has UV rays – Amobear has a mesmerizing trip

After stressful working hours, Amobear members took a trip to Nha Trang beach. Temporarily step away from the computer screen and immerse yourself in a new space with cool ocean breezes and clear blue water. Here, people not only relax and renew their energy but also have the opportunity to experience exciting activities such as […]

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Year end party 2023

  In addition to busy work at the end of the year and plans to shop and clean the house to prepare for Tet, everyone is planning to attend parties with friends, family and companies. The idea of ​​organizing a year-end party comes from the need to make sure that after a year of work, […]

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10 years: One mark, One journey

  Ten years for a person’s life is short, but for a company, it is a very long way to survive and develop. Every meeting is a fate. Being accompanied by teammates who have been with us since the early days of its establishment is the “fate” that Amobear especially appreciates. This October, when Amobear […]

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The full moon is full of love.

Maybe only the Mid-Autumn Festival can turn adults into children, even if it is just a memory of the past. Remember the Mid-Autumn Festival, remember the excitement of a week, just to wait for the outbreak of the night. It’s Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle), it’s cake, it’s lamp to meet you, it’s mask, it’s […]

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Work hard, play hard

The core of a strong team is cohesion, so that each person feels he is an integral part and plays an important role in the collective success. Therefore, the team building activities held annually at Amobear have become an extremely important activity and cultural feature, attracting the attention of all members. During this trip, the […]

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March of love

Our lives are the same as anyone else’s, there will be many women’s silhouettes. Some of them are blood relatives who will always love and watch over us; some people are friends, always support us; and there are also people, who are strangers, but also leave a lot of memorable memories imprinted in each of […]

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Spring trip at the beginning of the year

  Tet comes, spring is an opportunity for everyone to reunite, gather together, rest to start a new working year, also an ideal time to travel to spring. For a long time, in addition to the rituals to see off the old year and celebrate the new year, it can be said that spring travel […]

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New year’s day at Amobear

No longer the familiar firecrackers filled with the sky, Tet has gradually become more modern when everyone is immersed in the joyful atmosphere and nervously welcomes New Year’s Eve through brilliant fireworks displays. And whether it’s past or present, Tet always comes and leaves a spark in each piece of Amobear’s puzzle… Reopening childhood memories, […]

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The journey of 4 days and 3 nights is full of happy experiences of the Amobear family

At the end of July and beginning of August 2019, the historical rains continuously for 1 week caused the pearl island of Phu Quoc to sink into the sea of ​​water right at the time of the Amobear family’s trip. Passing more than 2000 km from Hanoi to stay in the room all day made […]

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9 years – Let AMOBEAR go faster and further

  After nine years, the people of 2013 like Mr. Cuong, Mr. Lam, Mr. Tung, and Tien Hiep did not think that the company would change so much. The 9th anniversary of the establishment brings with it emotional joy. That is also the time when people who have been with the company for a long […]

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The 1st Mobile Dev Football Tournament

Joined Amobear Vietnam from June 1, 2018 to now for nearly 3.5 years, during that time, outside of work, Phan Dinh Khanh always kept in himself a passionate love for football & tried to spread it to everyone. . From the time when only a few brothers did not have enough teams, every month, they […]

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In the information technology industry, we know that there are always invisible barriers for women. But let’s look at the facts: women are not only engaged, they are creating powerful change. Barriers are sometimes like lipsticks – embellishing their success even more brilliantly. Descendants of Ba Trung – Ba Trieu have lost to anyone!? Which […]

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